Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Metten '

Crabbe4 Crabbe JC, Metten P, Wahlsten D Drug study: Measurement of ethanol sensitivity and intoxication using performances in the screen, dowel, and grip strength tests, in 21 inbred strains of mice (2003)
Metten1 Metten P, Crabbe JC, Wahlsten D Drug study: Assessment of ethanol-induced intoxication using a standard rating scale, in 9 inbred strains of mice (2004)
Metten2 Metten P, Crabbe JC Drug study: Alcohol withdrawal severity in males of 15 inbred strains of mice (2005)
Wahlsten2 Wahlsten D, Crabbe JC, Metten P Wildness in 21 inbred strains of mice assessed through a rating scale (2003)