Drug, diet, pathogen, challenge studies
Studies where a drug, pathogen, special diet, or other perturbation is applied.
Treatment vs. control studies, dosage studies, and other study designs.

• Diets

astaxanthin antioxidant, anti-aging
b-guanidinopropionic acid dietary supplement
curcumin dietary supplement
fisetin senolytic dietary supplement; flavonol found in many plants
fish oil source of omega-3 fatty acids
glycine amino acid dietary supplement, anti-aging
green tea extract dietary supplement, anti-oxidant
high-fat diet
high-fat high-cholesterol diet
high-fat high-sucrose diet
inulin soluble fiber dietary supplement
L-Leucine branched-chain essential amino acid
macronutrient diet option choice of fat or carbohydrate
medium-chain triglyceride dietary supplement, reported weight control
MitoQ anti-oxidant, also known as Coenzyme Q10
nicotinamide riboside precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
PB125 formulation of rosemary extract, ashwagandha extract, luteolin
protandim dietary supplement, anti-aging
restricted diet reduced food amount
resveratrol dietary supplement
(R/S)-1,3-butanediol ketogenic dietary supplement, anti-aging
selenium non-metal chemical element
simvastatin lipid-lowering drug
sodium chloride table salt NaCl
sucrose table sugar
syringaresinol component of ginseng berry
various diets protein-deficient, methyl-enriched, and vitamin D-deficient diets vs. chow diet
various diets 2 high-fat high-sucrose diet vs. high-protein diet
western diet diet with typical Western characteristics

• Drugs, alcohol

16-a-hydroxyestriol endogenous estrogen, anti-aging
17-a-estradiol non-feminizing steroid, anti-aging
17-dimethylaminoethylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin hydrochloride heat shock protein 90 inhibitor
2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole multi-site proton acceptor and proton donor
2,4-dinitrophenol causes dose-dependent mitochondrial uncoupling, causing rapid loss of ATP
3-(3-hydroxybenzyl)-5-methylbenzo[d]oxazol-2(3H)-one proinflammatory cytokine antagonist
4-OH-a-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone anti-oxidant
4-phenylbutyrate reduces inflammation
acarbose a-glucosidase inhibitor, anti-aging
acetaminophen pain reliever e.g. Tylenol
a-Ketoglutarate Krebs cycle metabolite
aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, anti-aging
atenolol treatment for cardiovascular disorders
BEZ235 anti-cancer drug, anti-neoplastic
caffeic acid phenethyl ester anti-oxidant
canagliflozin Type 2 diabetes drug; anti-aging
candesartan cilexetil angiotensin-receptor blocker
captopril antihypertensive agent, anti-aging
cocaine psychostimulant, drug of abuse
cyclophosphamide alkylating agent, lupus erythematosus (SLE)) study
DB289 antiparasitic
diazepam anxiety reliever e.g. Valium
dimethyl fumarate increases production of mitochondria
docetaxel anti-mitotic chemotherapy medication, cancer study
doxorubicin anti-cancer drug, anti-neoplastic
enalapril medication for high blood pressure, diabetic kidney disease, heart failure
ethanol alcohol EtOH, drug of abuse
fluoxetine antidepressant e.g. Prozac
geranylgeranyl acetone induces heat shock protein HSP70
glatiramer acetate immunosuppressive agent, inflammatory bowel disease study
haloperidol antipsychotic
high-fat diet and ethanol
high-fat diet and olanzapine olanzapine is a schizophrenia / bipolar drug
Hydralazine medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure
idarubicin anti-cancer drug, anti-neoplastic
imipramine antidepressant
INT-767 FXR/TGR5 agonist bile acid analog, FXR and TGR5 agonist
isoniazid treatment for tuberculosis
isoproterenol treatment for cardiovascular disorders
lamotrigine anticonvulsant
L-DOPA dopamine agent, Parkinson's Disease study
lithium mood stabilizer
meclizine anti-histamine, anti-nausea, anti-vertigo drug; anti-aging
metformin anti-diabetic, anti aging
metformin plus rapamycin See metformin; see rapamycin
methamphetamine psychostimulant, drug of abuse
methylene blue agent that protects against oxidative damage
minocycline antibiotic
morphine pain medication, drug of abuse
mycophenolic acid immunosuppressant drug
Nebivolol beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure
nicotine component of tobacco smoke, drug of abuse
nitroflurbiprofen nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
nordihydroguaiaretic acid antioxidant, anti-aging
oxaloacetic acid intermediary in oxidative metabolism
paclitaxel anti-mitotic chemotherapy medication, cancer study
pilocarpine convulsant
quinelorane dopamine agonist
R-6-Br-APB dopamine agonist
rapamycin mTOR complex repressor, anti-aging
rapamycin plus acarbose see rapamycin; see acarbose
rosiglitazone hypoglycemic agent, diabetes and obesity studies
salbutamol bronchodilator agent, asthma studies
selumetinib anti-cancer drug, anti-neoplastic
SG1002 slowly releases hydrogen sulfide
Sodium thiosulfate water-soluble orally available source of elemental sulfur
sulindac NSAID, acute or chronic inflammatory treatment
TM5441 inhibitor of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
ursodeoxycholic acid involved in regulation of lipid, glucose and energy metabolism
ursolic acid reported to improve glucose tolerance and reduce obesity

• Living environment perturbations

exercise option/availability of running wheel

• Pathogens

Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin anthrax
Candida albicans fungal infection
F.nucleatum (Fusobacterium nucleatum), periodontal pathogenic bacteria
influenza A (H1N1) virus viral infection
influenza A (H3N2) virus viral infection
influenza A (H5N1) virus viral infection
Neisseria musculi mucosal bacteria
P.gingivalis (Porphyromonas gingivalis), periodontal pathogenic bacteria
Plasmodium berghei malaria
Plasmodium chabaudi malaria
SARS-CoV coronavirus infection
Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection
Streptococcus zooepidemicus respiratory challenge study
Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus virus
West Nile virus viral infection

• Surgery

ovariectomy surgical removal of ovaries

• Toxicity, mutagens, challenges

arsenic toxic substance; serious risk to human health
cadmium post-transition metal, environmental hazard
dextran sulfate colitis inducer
ENU ethylnitrosourea, mutagen
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin, respiratory challenge
methacholine bronchoconstrictor, respiratory tests
ovalbumin allergen, repiratory challenge
ozone air pollutant, respiratory challenge
radiation ionizing radiation
tetrachloroethylene ubiquitous environmental contaminant
trichloroethylene (TCE) industrial contaminant
tumor cell xenograft patient-derived tumor xenografts
ultraviolet light ultraviolet radiation

The following are not considered "interventions" for our purposes:
• Substances (other than substances of abuse) offered in ingestive preference tests
• Glucose tolerance tests and similar
• Where a perturbation is done as necessary preparation for a phenotyping procedure but it's not the primary focus of the study question or study design, such as fasting period before blood studies, pain inducers in nociception tests, or preliminary surgery to induce a certain condition.