Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Beamer '

Ackert1 Ackert-Bicknell C, Beamer WG, Rosen CJ, Sundberg JP Aging study: Bone mineral density and body composition of 32 inbred strains of mice (2008)
Beamer1 Beamer WG Bone mineral density in F2 progeny from a C57BL/6J x CAST/EiJ intercross (1999)
Beamer2 Beamer WG Bone mineral density and IGF-1 levels in F2 progeny from a C57BL/6J x C3H/HeJ intercross (2001)
Donahue2 Donahue L, Beamer WG, Bogue MA, Churchill GA Characterization of skeletal geometry and bone strength in 10 inbred strains of mice (2004)
Project1132 Beamer G, Gatti DM Tuberculosis Susceptibility (None)
Yuan1 Yuan R, Rosen CJ, Beamer WG Aging study: IGF-1 and body weight for 33 inbred strains of mice (2007)