Project measures / variables set:   Graham1   NS4b_spleen

ID, description, units MPD:63357   NS4b_spleen   percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection   [%]  
West Nile virus study
• day 7    • day 12    • day 21    • day 28
Data set, strains Graham1   CC RIX   2 strains     sex: m     age: 8-10wks
Procedure immune cell quantification
Comparisontimecourse but different cohorts
Ontology mappings

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Graham1 - percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection


ANOVA Summary     

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
group 3 44.6762 14.8921 7.7219 0.0021
strain 1 61.4822 61.4822 31.8802 < 0.0001
group:strain 3 32.4291 10.8097 5.6051 0.008
Residuals 16 30.8566 1.9285

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Graham1 63357 immune cell quantification West Nile virus percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection   [%]   day 7  NS4b_spleen_d7 CC RIX 2 m 8-10wks
Graham1 63358 immune cell quantification West Nile virus percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection   [%]   day 12  NS4b_spleen_d12 CC RIX 2 m 8-10wks
Graham1 63359 immune cell quantification West Nile virus percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection   [%]   day 21  NS4b_spleen_d21 CC RIX 2 m 8-10wks
Graham1 63360 immune cell quantification West Nile virus percentage of CD3+ T cells that are NS4b+ in spleen, post infection   [%]   day 28  NS4b_spleen_d28 CC RIX 2 m 8-10wks