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Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Philip '

Chesler1 Chesler EJ, Philip VM, Lariviere WR High-throughput pain-related behavioral phenotyping in 61 BXD recombinant inbred strains of mice (2010)
Chesler2 Chesler EJ, Philip VM, Voy BH Multi-system assessment of 8 inbred founder strains and 54 F1 hybrids of the Collaborative Cross (2011)
Chesler3 Chesler EJ, Philip VM, Voy BH Multi-system assessment of 8 inbred founder strains and 360+ emerging lines (pre-CC) of the Collaborative Cross (2011)
CSNA03 Chesler EJ, Gagnon L, Jentsch JD, Logan RW, Philip VM, Reinholdt L, Tarantino LM Behavioral phenotypes on cocaine self-administration, acute drug response, impulsivity, reward seeking, and circadian dysregulation in Collaborative Cross strains of mice, Diversity Outbred mice, and their 8 founder inbred strains (2021)
Project1046 Bubier JA, Chesler EJ, Philip VM, Vasquezi C, Blair RH, Gagnon L, Narayanan A, Fisher H Morphine Respiratory Depression Strain Survery (with dosage) (None)
Project1153 Philip VM DO iPSC (None)
Project1157 Philip VM DO_iPSC_set2 (None)
Project1158 Philip VM DO_iPSC_set3 (None)
Project1174 Philip VM Grisel (None)
Project1183 Philip VM TIS (None)
Project1188 Philip VM CC RIX HFHS None (None)
Project1216 Hasham MG, Philip VM, Warner M, Hoffman B Proteomic profiling of cancer xenograft in diverse mouse strains (2022)