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GMC08 project protocol

Transepidermal water loss in 8 inbred founder strains of the Collaborative Cross   (2020)

German Mouse Clinic and Department of Infection Genetics, HZI
With: Hrabě de Angelis M, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Aguilar-Pimentel A, Ollert M, Lengger C, Kollmus H, Schughart K

German Mouse Clinic: Phenotyping Pipeline

Transepidermal water loss test: 11 - 12 wks of age


  • Project protocol - Contents

    Workflow and sampling

    Data collected
    Transepidermal water loss test Condensor chamber
    Transepidermal water loss, coefficient of variation, skin surface water loss

    Equipment and supplies

    • Condensor chamber: Tewameter (AquaFlux AF200)

    Reagents and solutions

    • Cleaning solution

    Procedure: Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) test

      1. Each mouse is analyzed in a non-invasive manner with a special Tewameter which is placed on the skin (non-shaved).
      2. Within 60-90 s of surface contact, measurements are available and recorded.
      3. The TEWL data were normalized by calculating the mean TEWL performed per day which was substracted from the measured TEWL value.

    Data collected by investigator

    • Transepidermal water loss (TEWL), normalized
    • Coefficient of variation of TEWL
    • Skin surface water loss