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Studies associated with ontology term
MP:0010698   'abnormal impulsive behavior control'
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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
CSNA02 operant conditioning chamber Reversal learning (impulsive action) and delay discounting (impulsive choice). CC w/par   (18) both 10-39wks 2023
CSNA03 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Number of infusions, active lever presses, inactive lever presses, intravenous self administration, reversal learning. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
Dickson2 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Intravenous self-administration of cocaine via activation of levers. DO population both 12-16wks 2015
Jentsch1 operant conditioning chamber Reversal learning test. Impulsivity, acquisition, reversal, conditioning. Performance and latency. BXD w/par   (53) m 17wks 2011
Jentsch2 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Intravenous self-administration of cocaine via activation of levers, and locomotor activity. BXD   (4) both 8-17wks 2013
Mitchell1 go/no-go task Pre-cue, go cue. no-go cue. Discrimination index. inbred   (15) m 5-7wks 2010
Spijker1 choice serial reaction time task Choice serial reaction time task. Impulsivity, attention, cognitive flexibility behavior. BXD w/par   (45) m 8wks 2011
Spijker2 choice serial reaction time task Choice serial reaction time task. Impulsivity, attention, cognitive flexibility behavior. 25 min test. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009