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Tordoff2 project protocol

Diet preference: Survey of food consumption and water intake using 2-bottle choice test in males of 28 inbred strains of mice   (2001)

Tordoff MG, Bachmanov AA

Food (Teklad Rodent Diet 8604 pellets) and deionized water intakes were measured daily for four days. Food intake was determined to the nearest 0.1 g by weighing the metal cage top, including the food.

During the test, deionized water was available from two drinking tubes. This was done because this study was followed by a series of two-bottle taste preference tests. The positions of the two tubes were switched every 24 h to control for side preferences (related to mouse lateralization or any unintended differences between drinking tubes). Note that "left" and "right" refer to the tube positions as seen by the mouse.

Intakes from each tube were measured to the nearest 0.1 ml daily in the middle of the light period. See additional details for cage size, tube positions, and other testing procedures or visit (includes pictures).

Spillage was not accounted for in this experiment. In previous tests using these procedures, we determined that food spillage does not exceed 0.1 g/day/mouse. Fluid spillage and evaporation from drinking tubes rarely exceeds 0.2 ml over 48 hr.

Body weight was measured (to the nearest 0.1 g) at the beginning and end of the 4-day test.

The following raw data are provided:

  • body weight at beginning of test
  • food intake for each day
  • water intake from each spout for each day
  • body weight at end of test

The following measures are derived:
  • average body weight (mean of the body weight measurements collected at the beginning and end of the test; used for adjustment of intakes)
  • average daily food intake during 4-day test
  • average daily food intake adjusted per 30g body weight *
  • total water intake from both tubes for each day
  • average daily water intake from both tubes during 4-day test
  • average daily water intake from both tubes during 4-day test adjusted per 30g body weight *
  • percent preference for right spout [(average daily intake during 4-day test from right tube only divided by average daily water intake from both tubes during 4-day test) x 100].
* Where indicated intakes were adjusted (adj) for body weight by dividing each intake by the mouse's average body weight and multiplying this by 30 (the approximate weight of an adult mouse).