Vendor: Mice obtained from The Jackson Laboratory. Health status report: The Jackson Laboratory Diagnostics Laboratory routinely monitors and documents animal health status using statistically valid sampling procedures and standard protocols.
See JAX®Mice Quality Control Programs
or the JAX®Mice Catalog for the list of agents monitored.
Testing periodDiet and Housing: Animals consumed Purina 5K52 food and standard acidified drinking water for the whole project. They were housed in a high health status room from age 7 weeks in Thoren cages (Thoren Maxi Miser #3 cages with a PIV (pressurized individually ventilated) system).Acclimatization: Animals were housed 5 per cage and acclimatized for 1 to 2 weeks before training and testing. Testing: At 9 weeks of age the animals were trained daily for one week on the Visitech BP2000 equipment. Blood pressure and pulse were recorded (20 readings daily) using the tail cuff method but these results were labeled "training" and not used for statistical calculations. The next week, the animals were tested daily for one week taking 20 readings each day. More info. Prior testing: No prior phenotyping was done during this study. Data reduction: Mean and Standard deviation were calculated for only the "data day" reading taken during the second week of testing (total of 100 reading, 20 per day). Data rejection criteria were: