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Project1133 project protocol

Aging Diet Intervention Study Year1   (2022)

Churchill GA, Wright KM
With: Zhang G, Deighan A, Raj A, Robinson L, Donato HJ, Garland G, Leland M, Martin-McNulty B, Kolumam GA, Riegler J, Freund A

Project protocol - Contents


Procedure 1: Diet administration


  1. None

Procedure 2: Acoustic startle test

Procedure PDF:

Procedure 3: DXA

Procedure PDF:

Procedure 4: Echocardiography

Procedure PDF:

Procedure 5: Grip strength

Procedure PDF:

Procedure 6: Rotarod

Procedure PDF:

Procedure 7: Running wheel monitoring

Procedure PDF:


Primary References

Zhang G, Deighan A, Raj A, Robinson L, Donato HJ, Garland G, Leland M, Martin-McNulty B, Kolumam GA, Riegler J, Freund A, Wright KM, Churchill GA. Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction interact with genetics to shape physiological health in mice. Genetics. pii: iyab157. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab157.   PubMed 34791228     FullText