Loos1 supplemental data

High-throughput phenotyping of avoidance learning in males of 8 inbred strains of mice   (2012)

Loos M, Maroteaux G, Smit A, Verhage M
With: van der Sluis S, Koopmans B, Aarts E, van Gassen K, Geurts A, Largaespada DA, Spruijt BM, Stiedl O, Neuro-BSIK Mouse Phenomics Consortium


Supplementary Data (all Loos1 data supplied in this file)

Submitted file Description Units
Preference index Avoidance learning (shelter task) - Preference index over 6.5 days of testing index
Aversion index Avoidance learning (shelter task) - Aversion index over 6.5 days of testing index
Preferred entrances Total number of preferred entrances and re-entrances over 6.5 days of testing (frequency, data by the hour) n
Non-preferred entrances Total number of non-preferred entrances and re-entrances over 6.5 days of testing (frequency, data by the hour) n
Distance moved General behavior - distance traveled over 6.5 days of testing (data by the hour) cm

Download supplementary data: Loos1_suppdata.xlxs