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Jentsch1 animal documentation

Reversal learning in males of 51 BXD recombinant inbred strains of mice   (2011)

Jentsch JD, Williams RW
With: Laughlin RE, Grant TL

Jentsch1_ Animal Documentation

Acclimation & testing periods


Mice were obtained from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. (Vendor codes were added to strains distributed by JAX® mice).

Ages Mean age at the start of testing was 17 wks
Feed Food offered ad libitum before test period. Three to 5 days before the onset of training, mice received restricted access to food in their homecage sufficient to achieve a 10% to 15% decline of their free-feeding weight at the onset of testing, adjusted up to a 20% decline during testing.
Water Water offered ad libitum in homecages
Housing Group-housed by strain in standard cages
Photoperiod 14h:10h, light:dark cycle
Regulatory compliance Procedures were consistent with the US Public Health Service Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the Chancellor’s Animal Research Committee at University of California at Los Angeles.

Mice were obtained from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. JAX strain numbers have been added to those BXD strains that are now distributed through JAX-Mice.