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GMC09 project protocol

Energy metabolism evaluated through indirect calorimetry in 8 inbred founder strains of the Collaborative Cross   (2020)

German Mouse Clinic and Department of Infection Genetics, HZI
With: Hrabě de Angelis M, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Rozman J, Klingenspor M, Lengger C, Kollmus H, Schughart K

German Mouse Clinic: Phenotyping Pipeline

Indirect calorimetry: 12-13 wks of age


  • Project protocol - Contents

    Workflow and sampling

    Data collected
    Mice are weighed Balance
    Body weight before testing
    2 Indirect calorimetry (21-h test) Monitoring system Food and water intake, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory exchange rate, heat production, activity
    3 Mice are weighed Balance Body weight after testing

    Equipment and supplies

    • Balance: Ohaus (AV213C)
    • Monitoring system: TSE Systems GmbH (PhenoMaster/LabMaster CaloSys, (Dri)+Fed, Act.X,Y 32 mice)

    Reagents and solutions

    • Cleaning solution

    Procedure: Indirect calorimetry

      1. The test is performed at room temperature (23 °C) with a 12:12h light/dark cycle (lights on 0600, lights off 1800h). Paper tissue is provided as bedding material.
      2. Each mouse is placed individually in the chamber for a period of 21 h (from 1300 to 1000h next day) with free access to food and water. Metabolic cuvettes are set up in a ventilated cabinet continuously supplied with an overflow of fresh air from outside.

    Data collected by investigator

    • Body weight before and after testing
    • Food intake
    • Water intake
    • Oxygen consumption (VO2)
    • Carbon dioxide production (VCO2)
    • Respiratory exchange rate (RER = VCO2/VO2)
    • Heat production (HP = (4.44 + 1.43 x RER) x VO2))
    • Locomotor activity

    Data were collected in 15-min bins over the 21-hour period, giving a total of 84 readings for each parameter. All data are available in the Supplemental data file (see Downloads on the GMC09 project page). MPD computed total food and water intake (for the 21-h test period) and computed means for the additional parameters across all 15-min bins.