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• VT root
      • lipid amount

    • fatty acid amount   VT:0010046   (21)
    Definition: The proportion, quantity, or volume in a body fluid or tissue of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons; they are saturated and unsaturated. [MeSH:D005227]; xref: EFO:0007759; xref: EFO:0007760; xref: EFO:0007761; xref: EFO:0007762; xref: EFO:0007763; xref: EFO:0022262; xref: EFO:0022302; xref: EFO:0022303; xref: EFO:0022304; xref: EFO:0022305; xref: EFO:0800605; xref: EFO:0800616; xref: EFO:0800661; xref: EFO:0800662;

    MP:0010046 (decreased omental fat pad weight) is numbered similarly to VT:0010046 but is over in the MP ontology (semantics may or may not be similar).

    • To list mapped measures click on the counts in parentheses.
    • Counts are "number of measure mappings" and aren't necessarily the count of distinct measures.
    • Terms ending in "_" are terminal (leaf) nodes in the ontology structure.
    • To start at a root node:   VT root   MA root   MP root
    • More about ontologies in MPD