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Project measures / variables set:   Bolivar1   RF_time_pct

ID, description, units MPD:63455   RF_time_pct   percentage of time spent in right-front of arena, 5 min test in dark   [%]  
• day 1    • day 2    • day 3
Data set, strains Bolivar1   inbred   10 strains     sex: both     age: 8-14wks
Procedure open field test
Comparisontimecourse, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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Bolivar1 - percentage of time spent in right-front of arena, 5 min test in dark


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
within   group 2 4231.5181 2115.759 14.7479 < 0.0001
within   group:sex 2 1210.0815 605.0408 4.2174 0.0153
within   group:strain 18 2996.6517 166.4807 1.1605 0.2909
within   group:sex:strain 18 3023.3685 167.9649 1.1708 0.2816
within   Residuals 440 63122.9772 143.4613
between   sex 1 603.6563 603.6563 1.8865 0.171
between   strain 9 4616.5942 512.9549 1.6031 0.1156
between   sex:strain 9 8592.8073 954.7564 2.9838 0.0023
between   Residuals 220 70396.7165 319.9851

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Bolivar1 63455 open field test (none) percentage of time spent in right-front of arena, 5 min test in dark   [%]   day 1  RF_time_pct_d1 inbred 10 both
Bolivar1 63456 open field test (none) percentage of time spent in right-front of arena, 5 min test in dark   [%]   day 2  RF_time_pct_d2 inbred 10 both
Bolivar1 63457 open field test (none) percentage of time spent in right-front of arena, 5 min test in dark   [%]   day 3  RF_time_pct_d3 inbred 10 both