Genes and genomic regions

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14 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm8069 5 54651968 to 54652121 153 - pseudogene predicted pseudogene 8069
Cpgi15873 5 54760493 to 54760670 177 CpG island CpG island 15873
D5Mit301 5 54806258 to 54806383 125 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 5, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 301
Gm43781 5 54807334 to 54810014 2680 + unclassified gene predicted gene 43781
Gm24235 5 54827215 to 54827343 128 + snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24235
Ahl12 5 54954339 to 54954456 117 QTL age related hearing loss, early onset 12
D5Mit255 5 54954339 to 54954456 117 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 5, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 255
Gbvq1 5 54954339 to 54954456 117 QTL gallstone bladder volume QTL 1
rslk 5 54954339 to 81227149 26272810 heritable phenotypic marker recessive spotting-like
Tssr1482 5 54959306 to 54959308 2 + TSS region transcription start site region 1482
Gm43779 5 54996620 to 54997448 828 + pseudogene predicted gene 43779
D5Mit254 5 55230992 to 55231125 133 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 5, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 254
Bmd2 5 100307666 to 55230992 -45076674 QTL bone mineral density 2
Rgcs1 5 108614761 to 55230992 -53383769 QTL retinal ganglion cell susceptible 1