Genes and genomic regions

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Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region 15:3424907-3465032

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17 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Sicd2 15 3444907 to 71325689 67880782 QTL seizure-induced cell death 2
D15Mit174 15 3444907 to 3445032 125 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 15, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 174
D15Mit13 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 15, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 13
Faq8 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL fluctuating asymmetry QTL 8
Nhdlq7 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL non-HDL QTL 7
Bdt5 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL bone density traits 5
Sluc24 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL susceptibility to lung cancer 24
Cliff 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL cliff drop aversion
Epfpq4 15 3460212 to 78717086 75256874 QTL epididymal fat percentage QTL 4
Mobq4 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL multigenic obesity QTL 4
Scfq2 15 3460212 to 78717086 75256874 QTL subcutaneous fat pad weight QTL 2
Tailaq4 15 3460212 to 78717086 75256874 QTL tail length adjusted QTL 4
Tailq6 15 3460212 to 78717086 75256874 QTL tail length QTL 6
Tglq3 15 3460212 to 3460347 135 QTL triglyceride QTL 3
W3q7 15 3460212 to 78717086 75256874 QTL weight 3 weeks QTL 7
Tssr133571 15 3463852 to 3463858 6 - TSS region transcription start site region 133571
uwl 15 12979006 to 3460212 -9518794 heritable phenotypic marker underwhite-like