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Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

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24 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Ighv10-3 12 114523441 to 114523887 446 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V10-3
Tssr118086 12 114523943 to 114523959 16 - TSS region transcription start site region 118086
Ighv1-6 12 114532972 to 114533264 292 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-6
Ighv1-7 12 114538495 to 114538788 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-7
Tssr118087 12 114538970 to 114538982 12 - TSS region transcription start site region 118087
Ighv10-4 12 114547258 to 114547556 298 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V10-4
Ighv1-8 12 114555610 to 114555902 292 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-8
Ighv15-2 12 114564578 to 114564874 296 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V15-2
Tssr118088 12 114565045 to 114565056 11 - TSS region transcription start site region 118088
Ighv1-9 12 114583569 to 114583862 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-9
Tssr118089 12 114584015 to 114584022 7 - TSS region transcription start site region 118089
Tssr118090 12 114584034 to 114584063 29 - TSS region transcription start site region 118090
Ighv1-10 12 114597878 to 114598175 297 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-10
Ighv1-11 12 114612244 to 114612536 292 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-11
Tssr118091 12 114612693 to 114612729 36 - TSS region transcription start site region 118091
Ighv1-12 12 114615850 to 114616143 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-12
Ighv1-13 12 114630680 to 114630973 293 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-13
Ighv1-14 12 114646572 to 114646865 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-14
Tssr118092 12 114647054 to 114647057 3 - TSS region transcription start site region 118092
Ighv1-15 12 114657353 to 114657646 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-15
Ighv1-16 12 114665872 to 114666165 293 - gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-16
Gm46322 12 114671223 to 114671404 181 + pseudogene predicted gene, 46322
Ighv1-17-1 12 114671968 to 114672262 294 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable V1-17-1
Ighv1-17 12 114676749 to 114677042 293 - pseudogenic gene segment immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-17