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One row per phenotype measure / trait.
     Column     |          Type          |                                            Description
 measnum        | integer                | MPD measure ID number
 projsym        | character varying(40)  | project / data set identifier 
 mpdsector      | character varying(40)  | analysis paradigm  css=strainsurvey  doutbred=DO  qtla  komp  survival
 seriestype     | character varying(40)  | if row is for a measure series, gives the type; null for singletons
 varname        | character varying(40)  | short variable name for measure (singletons only, currently null for measure series)
 descrip        | text                   | description of measure or series
 units          | character varying(40)  | unit of measurement
 datatype       | character varying(40)  | 'categorical' or null if numeric
 magnitude      | integer                | order of magnitude used sometimes eg. 3 for mpd:6201 or -3 for mpd:36169
 method         | character varying(80)  | phenotyping procedure / method term 
 intervention   | character varying(80)  | drug, diet, pathogen, or challenge if any 
 paneldesc      | character varying(40)  | the strain panel 
 sextested      | character varying(5)   | m  f  or  both
 ageweeks       | character varying(40)  | age term (animal age at test); 
 granularity    | character varying(80)  | animal= mpd has individual animal data;  strain = mpd has strain means only
 projyear       | character varying(10)  | year of project 
 nstrainstested | integer                | number of strains (or similar) for which data are available
 avgsampsize    | numeric                | average sample size eg. number of mice per analysis group
 labelpre       | character varying(80)  | for series, word(s) appearing before the label, in generated indiv. measure descriptions
 labelpost      | character varying(80)  | for series, word(s) appearing after the label, in generated indiv. measure descriptions
 seriespre      | character varying(80)  | for series, word(s) appearing before the serieslabels
 serieslabels   | text                   | for series, a comma-delimited list of all series labels


One row per strain.
   Column       |          Type          |           Description
 strainname     | character varying(128) | current strain nomenclature in <ascii> notation
 vendor         | character varying(40)  | strain vendor code 
 stocknum       | character varying(255) | vendor stock number for the strain
 panel          | character varying(80)  | strain panel that this strain belongs to, if any
 mpd_strainid   | integer                | integer MPD ID for the strain
 straintype     | character varying(20)  | code indicating general strain type; IN = inbred, WDI = wild-derived, RI, etc.
 n_proj         | integer                | number of MPD phenotype projects / data sets involving the strain
 n_snp_datasets | integer                | number of MPD SNP data sets involving the strain
 mpd_shortname  | character varying(128) | if the official strain nomenclature is lengthy MPD uses this shorter name in data displays
 url            | character varying(256) | url of a web page for this strain


One row per animal phenotype numeric reading.
  Column   |         Type          |                         Description
 measnum   | integer               | MPD integer measure ID 
 strainid  | integer               | integer MPD strain ID 
 sex       | character varying(5)  | f or m
 animal_id | character varying(80) | animal identifier as supplied by submitting investigator/lab
 measval   | numeric               | numeric measured value
 zscore    | numeric               | Z-score of animal reading relative to strain/sex mean


One row per strain/sex mean measurement. These are ordinary unadjusted strain means.
  Column   |          Type          |                                     Description
 measnum   | integer                | MPD integer measure ID 
 varname   | character varying(80)  | short variable name for the measure 
 strain    | character varying(255) | strain name 
 strainid  | integer                | MPD integer strain ID 
 sex       | character varying(5)   | f or m
 mean      | numeric                | strain/sex average (mean) measured value
 nmice     | integer                | strain/sex number of mice, number of usable observations
 sd        | numeric                | SD associated with the mean
 sem       | numeric                | SEM associated with the mean
 cv        | numeric                | CV (coefficient of variation) associated with the mean
 minval    | numeric                | minima observation / measured value
 maxval    | numeric                | maxima observation / measured value
 zscore    | numeric                | Z-score of the mean relative to the grand mean of all strains studied.


One row per project / data set.
    Column    |          Type          |                                     Column Description                                                   
 projid       | integer                | integer project id 
 projsym      | character varying(50)  | project / data set identifier; usually the last name of first author followed by a digit
 mpdsector    | character varying(20)  | general data type:  pheno  qtla  snp  onestrain  phenoarchive  komp  
 projyear     | character varying(10)  | year of project work or recent update
 availstat    | character varying(20)  | data set availability:  public=public   private=private  prelim=preliminary  hidden=hidden from search
 instauth     | character varying(20)  | if non-null indicates insitutional authorship
 pistring     | character varying(255) | list of principal investigators, in pubmed-like format; generated automatically by curation app
 title        | character varying(255) | title of the project / data set
 corrpi       | integer                | people_id of corresponding investigator (auth:
 largecollab  | character varying(50)  | indicates large data collaborator (auth: largecollab.tag)
 url          | character varying(255) | data contributor web site url
 participants | character varying(255) | names of additional participants beyond those in pistring
 tags         | character varying(100) | one or more info tags as comma-delimited list: wparentals  hascc8  hascc7  aging  molecular  suppdata  corrlast
 releasedate  | character varying(20)  | yyyy/mm date of public release
 species      | character varying(80)  | if non-null, specifies a non-mouse species that was studied (used in 2 qtla projects)
 sexes        | character varying(10)  | indicates sex(es) that were tested
 panelsym     | character varying(80)  | strain panel term (auth: panels.panelsym)
 nstrains     | integer                | number of strains tested
 intervention | character varying(80)  | drug, diet, or challenge applied to animals in this study (auth: interventions.term)
 pophints     | character varying(120) | additional detail on the studied population, mostly used with qtla studies
 paneldesc    | character varying(40)  | strain panel that was tested, with modifiers; generated automatically by curation app
 ages         | character varying(40)  | animal age term for project
 ncohorts     | integer                | number of cohorts in the study design